
Algebra Calculator - get free step-by-step solutions for your algebra math problems This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. By using this website, you agree to our Cookie Policy.

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Large, easy and convenient online calculator

Use for work, school or personal calculations. You can make not only simple math calculations and calculation of interest on the loan and bank lending rates, the calculation of the cost of works and utilities.

Commands for the online calculator you can enter not only the mouse, but with a digital computer keyboard. Detailed instructions for using the calculator, see below.

Instructions for using the online calculator

Keys function

[ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], ... [ 9 ] - standard number keys;
[ 00 ] - key input 2 zeros;
[ → ] - remove the last character on the display;
[ +/- ] - change the mathematical sign of;
[ XY ] - calculation of X to the power of Y;
[ √ ] - calculate the square root;
[ + ] - addition, [ - ] - subtraction, [ х ] - multiplication, [ ÷ ] - division;
[ % ] - calculates percentages;
[ M+ ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ + ];
[ M- ] - stored in the memory with the sign [ - ];
[ MR ] - get the contents of memory;
[ MC ] - erases the memory content;
[ AC ] - reset the calculator and reset the memory;
[ C ] - resets the calculator without resetting the memory.

Examples of calculations on the online calculator

Calculate the square root of 529: 529 [ √ ]. The result is equal to 23.
Raise the number 3 to a power 4: 3 [ XY ] 4 [ = ]. The result is equal to 81.
Calculation of percentage of the number of: 500 [ х ] 25 [ % ]. The result is equal to 125.
Calculating what percent is one number of another number: 25 [ ÷ ] 500 [ % ]. The result is equal to 5(%).
Adding percentage to the number: 500 [ + ] 25 [ % ]. The result is equal to 625.
Deduction percentage of the number: 500 [ - ] 25 [ % ]. The result is equal to 375.

Enter commands from the keyboard PC/Mac

To use free online calculator you can use both ordinary numeric buttons at the top of a keyboard and numeric buttons on the right of a keyboard.

To enter [ = ] - key [Enter].
To erase the last character - [Backspace] (arrow keys).
To enter [ + ] - key [ + ] at the top or [ + ] key on the numeric keypad on the right.
To enter [ - ] - key [ - ] at the top or [ - ] key on the right.
To enter [ x ] (multiplication) - key [ * ] on the numeric keypad on the right or a combination of keys[ * ] and [ Shift ].
To enter [ ÷ ] (divide) - key [ / ] on the numeric keypad on the right or a combination of keys [ : ] and [ Shift ].

Frequently asked questions about the calculator

Why do we get 8 when trying to calculate 2+2x2 with a calculator?

Calculator performs mathematical operations in accordance with the order they are entered. You can see the current math calculations in a smaller display that is below the main display of the calculator.

Calculations order for this given example is the following: 2+2=4, subtotal - 4. Then 4x2=8, the answer is 8.

The History of calculators

The ancestor of the modern calculator is Abacus, which means 'board' in Latin. Abacus was a grooved board with movable counting labels (stones or bones).

Presumably, the first Abacus appeared in ancient Babylon about 3 thousand years BC. In Ancient Greece, abacus appeared in the 5th century BC. wishes everyone to BE WELL, STAY WELL, GET WELL. The most important thing you can do right now is STAY HOME as much as possible. Use our new COVID-19 social distancing impact calculator to see why you don’t need to take the risk, for you, for your family, for your friends, for all of us, calculate it!

The COVID-19 social distancing impact calculator was developed 100% @home.

Help and Tips

Color Coding

Simple number or constant.

Action that involves two numbers (i.e. 6+2).

Action that requires one number (i.e. 40%).

Clears something.

Gives a result.

Actions about the calculator or the tape.

Number formating actions fractions and scientific notation.


You can use your numeric keypad to insert numbers along with the keys 'enter', 'equals', 'backspace', 'delete', as well as the + - * / keys.

Tape and Tape Buttons

All calculations are saved on the tape. Click on any number or operator on the tape and change it at any time. Hit equals and the new result will appear.

You can use the print button to print out the tape.

Clearing Buttons

Clear button clears the last input.

All clear button clears the calculator, tape, and resets any functions.

Memory clear button clears the memory.

Memory Buttons

Memory recall button retrieves the number you have in memory and places it in the display field.

Memory plus button adds the number displayed to the contents of the memory.

Memory minus button subtracts the number displayed from the contents of the memory.

Function Buttons

Calculator with stepsCalculator free
Square root button is used to calculate the square root of a number. Enter a number, then click square root button.

Percent button is used to find the percentage of a number. Enter the percentage amount, click the % button, then enter the number you want the percentage of, and then click equals. i.e. 20% 125 = 25 where 25 is 20% of 125. Note: The percent function will also work if you enter the number first and then the percentage you want i.e. 125 %20 = 25.


To enter a fraction of the form 3/4. Click a number and then click fraction bar, then click another number.

You can use fraction space button to create a number of the form 5 3/4. Enter a number, then click fraction space, click another number and then click on the fraction bar button, lastly enter another number.


Decimal format button and Fraction format button work as pair. When you choose the one the other is switched off.
Decimal format button is used for all decimal work. Also to change a fraction of the form 3/4 to the decimal 0.75, or a fraction of the form 7/4 or a mixed number of the form 1 3/4 to the decimal 1.75. Click on the decimal format button, enter a fraction or mixed number, then click equals. If the fraction or mixed number is only part of the calculation then omit clicking equals and continue with the calculation per usual. i.e. 3/4 DEC x 6 =.
Fraction format button is used to work with all fractions. Also to change a decimal of the form 0.5 to the fraction 1/2, or change a decimal of the form 1.75 to a mixed number of the form 1 3/4 or to the fraction 7/4, or a fraction of the form 7/4 to the mixed number 1 3/4. Click the fraction format button, enter a decimal, click equals and then click on a fraction form and then click equals. If the fraction of decimal is part of a calculation, omit clicking equals and continue with the calculation.

Algebra Calculator

Proper fraction button and Improper fraction button work as pair. When you choose the one the other is switched off.
Proper fraction button is used to change a number of the form of 9/5 to the form of 1 4/5. A proper fraction is a fraction where the numerator (top number) is less than the denominator (bottom number).
Improper fraction button is used to change a number of the form of 1 4/5 to the form of 9/5. An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator (top number is greater than or equal to the denominator (bottom number).

Conversion Calculator